Welcome to Pellet’s Owl Information Blog March 18 2016
Who is Pellet?
On behalf of all of us at Pellet, we would like to welcome you to our blog page. We will be utilizing this page to keep your informed about the happenings with our company as well as provide barn owl facts for kids.
For now, we would like to take the opportunity to let you know more about our company and our pellets.
Over the past 25 years, we have been a provider of Owl Pellet Dissection Kits. We are a family owned business located in Washington State. Our pellets have been used all over North America for classroom exploration. Our pellets are a fantastic way to engage students in learning about science.
Why Study Owl Pellets?
Studying of owl pellets is an important part of science. Many birds cannot chew their food, owls included. The only choice is to swallow their food whole. Through owl pellets we discovered that they do not have a crop like other birds, but a baglike organ used to store their food once it has been swallowed to be digested later. Once in the gizzard, the tissue of the prey is dissolved for nutrients and what we are left with is bone. The gizzard compacts all of this material in a tight pellet.
Other than how their digestive tract works, we also learn about the type of prey consumed by the owls. Which means we also learn about the type of prey that is available to the bird in a particular region. Since owls vary in size, you can see how the size of their prey will vary as well.
The pellets themselves will vary depending on the species of owl that produced them. Pellets range from furry and tightly compacted into an oval to loosely compacted and irregularly shaped. Depending on the pellet’s moisture, you can spot a fresh pellet to one that has been expelled long ago. If a pellet is moist, that indicates that it was freshly expelled. The longer is has been sitting out, the dryer it has become.
Order Owl Pellets for Your Classroom Today
There are so many facts about owls just waiting to be discovered. Watch your students become instantly engrossed in science by allowing them to work hands-on with this project. Order your owl pellets with us today.
Keep checking back with our page to learn more.