30 Pak with Kids Science Tools

$ 119.99

  • 30 Heat Sterilized Barn Owl Pellets (1.5 inches or longer) wrapped in aluminum foil (Cat# BOP)
  • 1 Instructors Guide containing the natural history of the Barn Owl, Easy to follow instructions containing Objectives, Approaches, and Procedures for the owl pellet dissection lab. This Instructors guide is beautifully illustrated with photos, illustrations of common prey and skulls found in owl pellets, 2 different illustrations of the Vole Skeleton (one being the Vole Stick Sheet), and a Food Web Activity containing illustrations of prey taken by the Barn Owl. Make sure you have all of the necessary tools for this lab, including lab safety goggles!
  • 1- 18" x 24" Bone ID Chart
  • 30 Bone Vaults
  • 30 Wooden Dissecting Probes
  • 30 Plastic Forceps


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