Leaf Identification
Leaf recognition helps students learn to ask questions and classify the information they receive. They also have to discern how to classify the leaf when it doesn't exactly fit into the observational mold. Identifying leaves is an important building block in the process of learning methodical techniques for problem solving, which they can use in many aspects of their life.
Our leaf identification guides give you all the details you'll need to successfully lead your students through the observation process. They will begin by using our leaf key to identify a leaf step-by-step. Then they will create their own leaf key. You'll also be able to show them ways to preserve their favorite leaves, as well as create art projects using them. And there's much, much more in our teacher's leaf recognition guide!
After using the leaf identification guides, why not move on to one of our other tree identification tools? We offer kits to identify seeds, twigs, and crops like wheat, corn, rice, soybeans, cotton, sunflowers, and alfalfa. We also have a full array of owl pellet and skeletal identification kits, so be sure to browse our website at pellet.com to learn more.
Field investigation and observation is appropriate for all children, from Kindergarten through all the elementary grades. Science identification kits should teach students of every level about the natural world we live in. Students will see that science is a changing field described in various degrees by physical, mathematical, and conceptual models. Begin your students' science journey today. See our catalog at pellet.com.